

Why Still Care About Israel? by Sandra Teplinsky Former attorney Teplinskey tackles controversial current events with solid research and compassion, highlighting key events which were misrepresented in the media and the UN, only to be retracted later. She combines a sound biblical perspective with a lawyer's concern for fair representation. An essential, incisive work.  

Israel, Land of God's Presence by Murray Dixon With sound research and a biblical basis, Dixon examines Jewish history and Church history in a relevant and readable book. Topics include Israel's regathering, the separation of the Synagogue and Church, and the Jewishness of Jesus.

The Mountains of Israel by Norma Archbold – a timely and condensed look at Israel from a biblical and political standpoint, explaining the biblical and recent history of the “West Bank”, the modern wars in Israel, and a relevant overview of Ezekiel 36.

Homecoming: Our Return to Biblical Roots by Chuck and Karen Cohen – a sound, biblical study of the relevance of the Old Testament today, salvation and the cross in the Old Testament, the deity of the Messiah, Israel and our salvation, and many more topics of interest.

The Destiny of Israel and the Church by Derek Prince

The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom - a beautiful account of the Ten Boom family, who used their watchmaking shop and home to hide Jewish people during WWII, resulting in 800 Jewish lives saved, at the cost of their freedom and (and for some, their lives) – a cost they were honored to pay

Operation Exodus by Gustav Scheller - This faith-building testimony follows the development of a fruitful ministry, birthed in the heart of God and carried out by a series of miraculous events and provisions. From humble beginnings, Ebenezer Operation Exodus has now supported over 100,000 Jewish immigrants on their journey to Israel. 

Abandoned by Stan Telchin – Jewish believer Telchin presents a contemporary look at Jewish people – their beliefs, their need for Y’shua – and the Church – how they can reach out to their Jewish friends and neighbors. (253 pages).

Betrayed by Stan Telchin – engaging testimony of how Telchin came to recognize Y’shua as the Jewish Messiah through the study of Old Testament prophecies

Y’shua, the Jewish Way to Say Jesus by Moshe Rosen – a fascinating quick-read about the biblical prophecies concerning the Messiah (63 pages, 126 with relevant appendices)

For Further Information on Anti-Semitism in the Church:

Their Blood Still Cries Out: Cleansing Lives and Land from the Consequences of Anti-Semitism by Ken Hepworth - a biblical and insightful study of anti-Semitism with suggested prayers for spiritual freedom from its effects

Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: The Tragic Story of the “Church” and the Jewish People by Michael L. Brown - explores the relationship of the church and the Jews and the “Christian” persecutions of the Jews from the fourth century, to the Holocaust, to modern day anti-Semitism in the church and in the press

Father, Forgive Us: A Christian Response to the Church’s Heritage of Jewish Persecution by Fred Wright - a detailed and harrowing account of the history of “Christian” antisemitism

Recommended Viewing


Danny Ayalon. Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth about the West Bank, YouTube video, 6:17, July 12, 2011 – a succinct historical and political analysis of the legal right for the nation of Israel

Jerusalem: The Covenant City, by Hatikvah Trust, presented by Lance Lambert – biblical, historical documentary about Jerusalem

In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem by CBN – gripping and well-researched docudrama of the threat from Egypt and Jordan leading to the 1967 War, which resulted in Jewish control of Jerusalem

Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace – inspiring true story of a German pastor who boldly preached against the Nazi regime and was willing to lay down his life for truth

The Hiding Place – beautiful account of the Ten Boom family, who used their watchmaking shop and home to hide Jewish people during WWII, resulting in 800 Jewish lives saved, at the cost of their freedom and (and for some, their lives) – a cost they were honored to pay.

Online tour of Friends of Zion Museum:

6,000 Visas for Lives – the moving story of Chiune Sugihara, Japenese with English subtitles (the powerful story is worth the poorly translated English)

One for Israel-

Jewish Testimonies One for Israel -

“Israel; the World’s Most Moral Army” - Youtube Video:  - Col. Kemp, Britain’s former Commander in Afghanistan, a non-Jew, gives documented reasons why he considers Israel’s army “the most moral army in the world” (5 min.)

Recommended Websites:

Bridges for Peace -

The Christian Embassy –

Christian Friends of Israel -

Ebenezer Operation Exodus - a Christian ministry helping Jewish people return to Israel. Explore these online resources to see how the Lord is bringing the Jewish people home to Israel from around the world today. 

Intercessors for Israel – teaching and weekly prayer points for effective intercession for Israel

Life in Messiah -

Makor ha Tikva – a Messianic school in Jerusalem

One for Israel  - a Messianic website with articles and many inspiring video testimonies of Jewish believers - - - a Messianic website with interesting articles about Y’shua and the Scriptures


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